Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Twitter Mailbag Edition 6

What is the most amount of autographs you ever got from one player at one time and who?

The most a player has ever signed for me at one time was 6. I believe I have done this twice, the first time was Rich Gedman and the second was Stolmy Pimentel.

This question does bring up another one, and that is,"How many is too many?"

The way I see it, is that a page(9 cards) is probably the cap that is reasonable to have out for a player. This is because if you have that page in front of them, they can sign what they want and just stop when they are ready. Generally I don't have even close to that many cards for a guy anyway, but if I did, 9 would be the max.

What I don't like is when guys have more than a page for a single guy. It's fine when the guy is definitely going to go down the line, but what if he signs 16 or so cards for the first guy, and the 4th guy in line gets shafted? There is a such thing as too much. Most of the time there is never an issue, but there are graphers out there who will try to get 40 of some guy game after game, and what is even the point? I'm not even talking about dealers(whole 'nother debate). What on earth are you going to do with 40 Daniel Nava, or Michael Bowden autographs, I just cannot fathom why someone would need to do that. Obviously everyone collects differently, but there is always that hazy area where the ethos of the hobby can be questioned.

To follow up the last paragraph, people wonder why guys stop signing, and become less friendly. Your answer is those guys who ruin them by putting out 20 cards a game, and for what? 


  1. I agree with you completely. Unless a player is known for being enthusiastic about signing autographs, like Pat Neshek, I think that six is about as high as I would ever try to get at one time.

    I got six from Andrew Miller earlier this year when he was rehabbing.

    I'm glad that we found each other's blogs, it will be a good way to stay in touch.

  2. Agreed George, the guys like Neshek who are collectors themselves, are sort of in a different category, where they don't mind at all.
