Monday, January 5, 2015

Patriots Running Back Jonas Gray 1/5/15

This evening I was able to start off 2015 on a good note by meeting breakout Patriots player, Jonas Gray. A few weeks ago, Jonas scored 4 touchdowns in a single game, and graced the cover of Sports Illustrated in the following week. Regular readers of the blog know that I am a pretty avid Sports Illustrated collector, so this was a good, cheap opportunity for me to add one to my collection.

I am not one for paid signings, just because I enjoy the chase this hobby entails more than anything else within it. Expanding on this thought, I was not impressed at all by the way the store ran things for this event, and I won't throw them  under the bus, but it's easy enough to figure out by searching the date and "Jonas Gray Signing".

First, they were using dud markers which is just really annoying, and simply cheap for a paid signing. Secondly, they had some guy bringing your item up to the table, so you couldn't hand Jonas your marker or say anything before he signed the item. Luckily for my friends in back of me, they saw this and were quick to respond. Third, back to the marker issue: Jonas started to sign my magazine with a black sharpie, which is just a no go, and unacceptable for a paid event. Further, it was completely dead from signing dud items like shirts, plastic things, and other cloth, and other canvas-like items.

As I stated, Jonas started to sign my item in the black, and luckily I interrupted before he got very far. I held out my blue marker, and the owner of the store said, "he has a blue". Luckily it wasn't too bad, but mine wouldn't have been as streaky. There is just no reason to rush a paid signing so much that the customer can't even say anything, or have the star use a specified pen before starting to sign.

With all of that said, luckily the magazine didn't come out too badly. You can see where the black marker started, but hopefully when I frame it, it won't be visible on the wall.

I was very rushed, and in trying to explain to the owner of the store why I wanted to use the marker I brought, I didn't even get to say a single word to Jonas.

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